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Regulatory Update No. 21

BIR Alert No. 21-01

Availability of the New Business Registration (NewBizReg) Portal

(RMC No. 73-2021 dated June 3, 2021)

The Circular was issued to inform all internal revenue officer, employees and other concerned parties on the availability of the New Business Registration (NewBizReg) Portal. The NewBizReg Portal is a gateway in the electronic submission of application for the registration through email.

The Taxpayer who will apply for business registration through the NewBizReg Portal must answer the “Tax Type Questionnaire” (Annex A) and submit the same as an attachment to the email.

You can access the full text of the Circular here and its Annex here.

Below is the full list of regulatory issuances last week

You can check out the website of Bureau of Internal Revenue to know more or schedule a consultation with us for a simplified explanation.

Tip that Matters: Make it a habit to check the website or social media pages of regulatory agencies to keep abreast with any changes in regulations or any new requirements. You can also follow service providers like Numbers that Matter on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to be equipped with simplified and practical explanations on topics relevant to micro, small and medium enterprises.

Need to know more about any of the issuances? Contact us.



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